Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

Intercom Access Code, Press:
142 and then the CALL button:

Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass String Listing

I discount strings by giving 50% off the list price.

Popular String Brands:


Pirastro Strings

vln oliv sf-150x147vln eudoxa sf-150x147vln gold sf-150x147vln obligato sf-150x147
vln evahpirazzi sf-150x147vln tonicanewformula sf-150x147pirastro-orig-flex-150x147vln no1 sf-150x147



Thomastik Strings




D’Addario Strings




Super Sensitive Strings




Prim Strings




Jargar Strings




Larsen Strings

violin stan e-150x150cello soloist a1-150x150  



Savarez Strings








W.E. Hill & Sons Strings




Plus some other brands...

Comments (3)
# 3
Friday, 08/16/2024
Jade cortez
How much are your cellos?
Cello Prices
Wednesday, 08/21/2024
Craig Scollard
Generally for a decent cello that is setup properly, they start at about $1,000 as of August 2024.
1/4 Corelli Bass Strings
# 2
Thursday, 03/23/2023
Fred Grant
Can I get Corelli 350 strings from you? What would the cost be? Thanks very much Fred. Also, will you do a violin bow with salt and pepper strings for me? I have heard some fiddlers really like them.
Cello Strings and bow rehair
# 1
Monday, 04/10/2017
I need to send my bow in for rehairing, do I just send it to the address on your site with a return shipping label.
Also will you contact me on the cost prior to sending or do I add up the costs and include check with bow?
Also I am looking for NICKLE FREE strings and found BELCANTO GOLD are nickle free but expensive, would you know of any others or have a cost for the BELCANTO GOLD? Thank you.
Cello Strings and Bow Rehair
Wednesday, 04/19/2017
Craig Scollard

The cello bow rehair price is $25. Just add the cost of the shipping and include a check with the bow. Most likely the shipping will be around $9-$10 if you use USPS Priority Mail.


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